Wednesday, May 14, 2008

hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work i go.

sorry for the delay. i meant to post about my wonderful first day at FareShare, however, a little violence on oxford street got in the way. the now infamous mcdonalds is en route to an internet cafe i frequent. the mere idea of passing it brought pains to my own neck. sorry to everyone at the center if this complicates risk management.

anyways, on to happier topics.

i loved my first (and now second) day of work. my supervisor, jeredine, is amazing. she's teaching me all of the ins and outs of food redistribution in london and then some. we have an agreement: i laborously slave at whatever task she gives me in exchange for all of her knowledge. it's a pretty good system. so far, aside from being a professional food sorter, i've mastered food distribution software 101 and have moved on to bigger and better topics such as learning about each of the 67 agencies London FareShare supplies with food on a weekly basis. this is no easy feat. each organization has its own cooking limitations which influences the type and quantity of food we can offer and eventually distribute. my head wouldn't stop spinning after listening to food orders this morning. i'm excited to see what's in store for the rest of the week.

and now, i leave you with a british-english vocabulary lesson:
brilliant- great. corresponds with most affirmative sentences. ex: 'you finished? brilliant.' or 'half past two sounds brilliant.'
pulses- legumes
lorry- truck
squash- refers to diluted fruit juice [think along the lines of american capri-suns or juicy juice] also known as a cordial [unlike the american cordial, which generally refers to a sweet liquor]. the brits enjoyed a good laugh when i asked if squash [the vegetable] flavored water was popular in the UK... oops.

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